build version

Returns the build version number of Message Queuing running on the computer .
and he was able to build a version that he hooked up to his home TV set .
Now that you understand how to extract projects and project elements as XML documents , and redeploy them to the server , the steps to build a version control system are fairly easy
The space agency has successfully tried out the technology in wind tunnels , and now believes that it could be put to commercial use . It now wants to test that out by having commercial companies build a version of the plane that could be put to use .
This WSDL is used to build the new version of your service .
Generally , avoid storing build output in version control .
Save the updated file and rerun make to build the new version of xev .
Rather than buying promising start-ups , they tend to build their own version of a popular new service .
Cannot auto-generate build and revision version numbers for dates previous to January 1 , 2000
You can easily build a localized version of the page using ( locale-specific property files ) on the server side .
Because breakpoints are not statements , they never produce any extra code when you build a release version of your program .
MooTools , as a modular library itself , is ideal for web application development because you can customize it and build your own version .
After a year or so of using that specification , the JCP folks wanted to build a better version : JAX-RPC2.0 .
A joint venture with McDonnell Douglas in the1990s to build a Chinese version of the DC-9 failed .
In this article , I will discuss communication protocols , including the Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ), and build a first version of the lightweight client .
The researchers now want to build a wireless version that might someday fit inside a fake tooth or attach to a pair of braces .
If you must rebuild the same code or build a newer version of the code , you can refer to your journal to refresh your memory .
When a test infrastructure expands and becomes so complex that it is a burden to use , then people may build a simpler version of the infrastructure or just avoid using it altogether .
While you can easily build an internationalized version of the page using resource bundles ( locale-specific property files ) on the server side , it is very difficult to display internationalized validation messages when the validation is being done at the client side .
Google officials say they took the sudden need to build a new iPhone version as an opportunity to rethink the popular app from the ground up 。
I plan to build a plywood triangle version similar to the plywood bike for testing " seat-head " tube angles and wheel base changes .
The best way we 've found to automatically generate build baselines is to use Apache Ant to automatically generate and increment the build version number .